
Do you want your manuscript to stand out in the slush pile? Would you like to be a respected self-published author? Do you long for loyal fans that come back for more? Would you like to receive great reviews on Amazon?

To meet with this kind of success, it is essential to present a finely crafted, well-edited book.  The editing process can be overwhelming. There’s so much to think about—conflict, tension, character arcs, grammar, punctuation, and those annoying typos that somehow creep in.

Know that you don’t have to go it alone.

My name is Melanie Cossey and I’m qualified to ensure that your writing is professionally presented so you can communicate clearly, artfully, and in the voice that is uniquely yours.

As a certified editor, I can help you create:

  • characters that are rich, complex, and interesting
  • authentic yet lively dialogue
  • a well-paced beginning, middle, and ending
  • tension and suspense to keep a reader turning pages late into the night
  • a satisfying ending that will gain you loyal fans

When I edit your manuscript, I’ll also point out technical issues, like:

  • head-hopping and point-of-view issues
  • plot holes
  • inconsistencies in characters, setting, time sequences, tense, and dialogue
  • logistical and feasibility issues
  • text imbalances such as too much telling vs. showing
  • historical or scientific inaccuracies

In the final editing stages, I will help you create:

  • well-constructed sentences that flow
  • text that is free from grammatical and typographical errors
  • succinct wording that best captures the thought you wish to convey
  • text that is free from overused or cliché words and phrases
  • text that is free from spelling errors

When you work with me, you can expect an honest appraisal of your work, including the strengths and the challenges, and practical direction on how to solve the issues that are standing between you and your manuscript’s success.

I’m here, not to change your voice and strip the character from your writing, but to enhance it and aid you with my professional knowledge to produce the kind of work of which you can be proud.

Nothing makes me happier than to see a story go from good to great. I’m truly excited to help you see your dream of being a published author, whether you choose self-publishing or strive to be traditionally published.

For more information on my services and the type of genres I edit, please visit the services page and the individual genre pages. I also offer package deals, coaching, submission package coaching and editing, and manuscript assessment. I edit and coach through all stages of the writing process, whether you have a full manuscript, only the first few chapters, or just an idea and a few notes.

Email me and let me know what’s on your mind and how I can help!

Best regards,

Melanie Cossey